FastGene 50 bp DNA Marker

50 bp DNA ladder (50 bp - 1500 bp) for small fragments

  • Designed for very small products
  • 50 bp – 1500 bp
  • 17 bands, reference bands at 200 bp, 500 bp and 1200 bp
  • Incorporated tracking and loading dye
  • Stable at room temperature
Price on request

Cat. No. MWD50 0.5 mL


For each application the right ladder

The FastGene® DNA ladders were developed for different applications: The MWD50 was designed for the most accurate discrimination of small PCR products, with 50 bp steps up to 500 bp. The MWD100 is the perfect ladder for everyday use. The ladder with 12 fragments starts at 100 bp, therefore being suitable even for small qPCR products, and goes up to 3000 bp so that the sizes of small plasmids and big PCR products can be determined. For very large products and plasmids, Nippon Genetics Europe offers the MWD1. The ladder starts at 250 bp and goes up to 10. 000 bp.


MWD50 – FastGene® 50 bp DNA Marker:

The DNA includes fragments ranging from 50-1,500 base pairs. The 200, 500 and 1200 base pair bands have increased intensity to serve as reference points. The approximate mass of DNA in each band is provided (0.56 μg a load) for approximating the mass of DNA in comparably intense samples of similar size.

MWD50 - 50 bp DNA ladder with 17 bands

A unique combination of PCR products and a number of proprietary plasmids were digested with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield the perfect number of fragment, creating ladders that are perfect to be used as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. They come ready-to-use and mixed already with a loading dye.

Stable even at room temperature

All of our DNA ladders (besides the 50 bp ladder) are extremly stable. the stability tests show that the ladders are stable for at least 12 months at 25°C. for long term storage, store at 4°C to -20°C.

Dyes for easy tracking

All our ladders have tracking dyes and loading dyes included, so that the movement of the DNA can be tracked and the optimal stopping point be determined.



Cat. No. MWD50 MWD100 MWD1P
Characterization 50 bp DNA ladder 100 bp DNA ladder 1 kb DNA ladder
Area / bp 50 – 1500 100 – 3000 100 – 10000
Number of bands 17 12 13
Reference bands 3 (200, 500, 1200) 2 (500 & 1500) 2 (1000 & 3000)
Loading Dye Orange G Orange G & Xylencyanol FF Bromophenol blue & Xylene cyanol FF
Volume 56 µg in 500 µl 50 µg in 500 µl 50 µg in 500 µl
Recommended amount 5 µl 5 µl 5 µl
Storage 12 months at 4 ° C 12 months at room temperature 12 months at room temperature
Long-term storage at -20 ° C Long-term storage at -20 ° C Long-term storage at -20 ° C


Technical Data Sheet

MWD50_Technical Data Sheet

Technical Note

FastGene 50bp DNA Ladder Migration Test


MSDS | MWD50 | 50 bp DNA Marker


Does the MWD50 has two 1200 bands, because if I run a 3% gel for 80min at 100V I can see a double band?

The 1200 bp band is composed of 2 same-size bands, with varying GC contents. When you run a gel with high gel concentration for a longer period of time, you will see 1200bp band separate into two bands. So we recommend to run the gel at 2% concentration for 35-40 min.

What is the storage temperature of MWD50?

Since the 50bp DNA ladder is a bit more fragile than the MWD100 and MWD1 DNA ladders, it is recommended to be stored at 4°C for the 1-year shelf life or at -20C for maintaining the shelf life for 2 years.

Does this marker contain Formaldehyde or Formamide?


Product inquiry

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