8-well White PCR Tube Strips 0.1 mL + optical Flat Cap Strips

8-well strip PCR tubes

FastGene® 8-well WHITE PCR Tube Strips 0.1 mL + optical Flat Cap Strips (125 pieces)

Price on request

Cat. No. FG-019FC 125 pieces


Features of the FastGene® 8-well WHITE PCR Tube Strips
  1. DNase, RNase and gDNA free
  2. Pyrogen /endotoxin free
  3. Use of state-of-art precise tool for uniform tube wall
  4. Provides excellent heat transfer effect which leads to maximal amplification


Cycler FG-011F FG-017FC FG-018WF FG-019FC
Thermo (ABI) StepOne Plus
Thermo (ABI) QuantStudio 3/5/6/7/12k, ViiA7
Thermo (ABI) Veriti 96-Well Fast Themal Cycler
Thermo (ABI) 7500 Fast
Thermo (ABI) 7900HT Fast
Agilent AriaMx
Agilent Mx3000P / Mx3005P
Bio-Rad CFX96 Touch / Touch Deep / connect
Bio-Rad Opticon 2
Roche Cobas z480
Roche Lightcycler Nano/96/480/480 II System
Analytic Jena / Biometra T optical
Analytic Jena qTower

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