FastGene 96-well PCR Plate 0.2 mL, non-skirted

96-well PCR plates

  • 0.2 mL maximum working volume per well
  • Alpha numeric code for sample identification
  • DNase, RNase, and human genomic DNA free
  • Raised well rims to avoid cross contamination and facilitate heat sealing
  • Compatible with our flat and domed cap strips
  • Compatible with heat sealing foils
  • Compatible with almost all thermal cyclers
Price on request

Cat. No. FG-170225 25 plates


Non-skirted „Easy to cut“ FastGene® 96-well Plate
non-skirted plate
cuttable non-skirted plate


This PCR-plate in microtitre plate format comprises 96 x 0,2 mL extra thinwall PCR Tubes, which guarantee a fast temperature exchange between heating system and sample. The plate is made of virgin polypropylene and certified DNase, RNase and human genomic DNA free. It’s a standard non-skirted plate and the colour is natural.
The biggest advantage against other suppliers is the fact that this plate is very easy to cut. You can cut the plate in 12 x 8 strips or 8 x 12 strips; 4 x 24 well plates etc. Please keep in mind that many scientists are using PCR thermocycler with 2 blocks and they do not want to spend too much money for smaller plates.

This non-skirted plate can be sealed with our adhesive foil (KJ135 and KJ120) as well as with our domed (FG-008DC) or flat cap strips (FG-008FC). The PCR-Plates have an alpha-numeric coding system for easy identification and do fit to all common thermal cyclers.


PCR Cyclers

Click here for a compatibility list of all our PCR plates.

The FastGene® 96-well PCR Plate 0.2 mL, non-skirted is tested and compatible with the PCR cyclers below. If your cycler is not included in the list below, please contact us!

Compatibility request

Supplier Model
NIPPON Genetics EUROPE FastGene Ultra Cycler Gradient (FG-TC01)
FastGene Ultra Cycler Uniform (FG-TC02)
Biometra T1 Thermocycler
Bio-Rad PTC-200 DNA EngineTM
PTC-225 DNA Tetrad
Takara Dice
Applied Biosystems (ABI) GeneAmpTM 2720
GeneAmpTM 9600
GeneAmpTM 9700
7000, 7300, 7500, 7700
Gene Technologies G-Storm GS1
Stratagene M x 4000TM
M x 3000TM

If your cycler is not included in the list above, please contact us!

Compatibility request

Cap Strips

FastGene® 96-well PCR Plate 0.2 mL, non-skirted is compatible with our flat and domed cap strips.

  • FG-008FC: Flat Cap Strips (for 0.2 mL PCR tube strips)
  • FG-008DC: Domed Cap Strips (for 0.2 mL PCR tube strips)
  • FG-008FCP: Flat Cap Strips (for 0.1 mL tube strips)


Technical Note

Tightness of FastGene adhesive seal (FG-93AC) in a PCR thermocycler

DNA adsorption test with the FastGene 96-well Plate

Product inquiry

Do you have any questions about the product? Please contact us!


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